A close up of a person with blue eyes and think long eyelashes

Beautiful, Long Eyelashes

Latisse before and after photo by Des Moines Plastic Surgery in West Des Moines, IABack by popular demand, purchase your Latisse BOGO today at Des Moines Plastic Surgery™ and Healthy Skin & Laser Center and receive an additional $10 off today!

We all want long, full eyelashes and Latisse® is here to rescue us!

Latisse® was created by Allergan, a pharmaceutical leader with 60 years of eye care expertise. In 2001, Allergan developed a medicated eye drop to treat elevate inocular pressure. Many patients using this medication also began to grow longer, fuller and darker lashes as a side effect. This led Allergan to study the medication’s active ingredient, bimatoprobst 0.03 percent, for growing lashes.

A Latisse® solution was approved by the FDA in December of 2008 as a treatment to grow longer, fuller and darker lashes!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to try Latisse® now is the time, Buy One Latisse® and Get One free! Call our office and pick up your Latisse today!

Call 515.221.9999 or email [email protected] for any further questions.

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