Des Moines Plastic Surgery™ is the first and only practice in Iowa to offer this procedure.
West Des Moines, IA (October 13, 2015) – Approximately 68% of people say they are bothered by submental fullness “double chin” and 7.2 million consumers are actively seeking a solution to reduce a “double chin.” David Robbins, MD, FACS, quadruple board certified plastic surgeon, has recently introduced a groundbreaking new treatment for “double chin.” The technique does not use a scalpel and requires no incisions or downtime. It is one of the safest and most effective treatments available today and is now available at Des Moines Plastic Surgery™, making it the first medical practice in Iowa to offer this state-of-the-art solution for “double chin.”
The new CoolMini applicator is uniquely designed for small volume areas of fat. The applicator’s size, shape and curvature is designed to comfortably fit these small, problem areas, like the “double chin”. Patients may see results as early as 3 weeks, with the most dramatic results observed 1-3 months following treatment.
“Since the CoolSculpting procedure is completely non-invasive, our patients can typically resume normal activities immediately after treatment.” “It is affordable pricing which makes it a very attractive nonsurgical treatment option for our patients who want to eliminate the known “double chin.”, said Dr. Robbins. DesMoines Plastic Surgery is the only CoolSculpting Premier Crystal Practice performing over 4,500CoolSculpting fat reduction treatments since FDA approval in 2012.
CoolSculpting is also FDA approved for fat reduction on the love handles, inner and outer thigh, and stomach.
Individuals interested in the CoolSculpting procedure can access the website at or they can call Des Moines Plastic Surgery™ to schedule a no-cost, private consultation.
In addition to CoolSculpting, Dr. Robbins offers other solutions for “double chin” which are only available at Des Moines Plastic Surgery™. Kybella, an injection recently approved by the FDA and the Laser Lift.